Prep For Spring + Summer With 20% Off Vajacials!

Kissed Peach Waxing Studio

Spring break and summer are just around the corner (!), so let’s give your down there area some much-needed TLC! Throughout the month of March, we’re offering 20% off our Pretty Peach and OG Vajacials (with an added hydrajelly mask!) so you can feel good in your skin by the time it’s bikini season.

About Our Vajacials

Just like a traditional facial for your face, our Vajacial services include a double cleanse, light exfoliation, extractions, hydrating/soothing alginate mask, LED light, and high frequency. The Pretty Peach Signature Vajacial is an hourlong service with a cleanse, light exfoliant, enzyme, extractions, hot towels, toner, calming mask, a sheet mask (for your pubic area!! It’s heart-shaped too! 😉), LED—and topped off with post-care products. This is the ultimate pamper for your peach!

Kissed Peach Waxing Studio Vajacial

We recommend getting a Vajacial done during every wax, every other wax, or quarterly—depending on the condition of your skin.

Take advantage of our 20% off Vajacials deal throughout the month of March 2022!

Helpful Products—On Special, Too!

These products will help protect the skin around your bikini area in between Vajacials—and they are on sale for 15% off this month (March 2022)!

PFB Vanish™

PFB Vanish at Kissed Peach Wax Saloon

PFB Vanish™ is the first line of defense against ingrown hairs! The cosmetically elegant roll-on gel is uniquely formulated for ingrown hairs, razor burn, and bumps resulting from shaving, waxing, tweezing, electrolysis, and laser hair removal. It also contains exfoliating and moisturizing ingredients to help keep your skin smooth!

PFB Vanish™ + Chromabright™

PFB Chromabright

This product contains all the same ingredients as the original PFB Vanish™, but with added Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate, which helps to lighten dark spots on your bikini area and inside thighs (as well as for other parts of your body!). When using PFB Chromabright regularly, you’ll achieve skin lightening results in 6 to 8 weeks. Say goodbye to those dark spots!

Get Spring + Summer Ready

So what are you waiting for?! Prep your down there area for the warmer weather by booking a Vajacial for 20% off throughout March—and don’t forget to add those discounted PFB products to your cart too. 😉